Sports & fitness Kit

Sports & fitness Kit set of products is mainly designed for sports, fitness people. It contains the intelligent health equipment that will be used in sports and fitness.








Glass Size


Max weighing


Product Details

The Sports & fitness Kit mainly contains a large screen smart scale, kitchen scale, sports bracelet, smart jump rope, and a free sports bottle.

  • The Smart Large Screen Scale uses advanced technology to accurately measure your weight and other key health metrics, including body fat percentage, muscle mass, and more. It even connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth, allowing you to track your progress and set goals on the LeaOne app.
  • The Kitchen Scale can accurately measure ingredients in various units, including grams, ounces, and pounds, allowing you to follow any recipe easily. It even includes a convenient tare function, which allows you to subtract the weight of any container for more precise measurements.
  • The Sports Bracelet features a sleek, stylish design and a comfortable, adjustable wristband, making it easy to wear all day long. It uses advanced sensors and technology to track various metrics, including steps taken accurately, calories burned, and distance traveled.
  • The Smart Jump Rope features a sleek, modern design and a durable, adjustable rope, making it perfect for home or gym use. It uses advanced sensors and technology to track your jumps accurately, calories burned, and other key metrics, allowing you to see your progress and set goals on the accompanying app.


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