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As a supplier with its own factory, we have a complete supply chain and management system. You just need to tell us your idea and we can make it happen. We focus on providing you with high-quality services and products.

Almost every buyer will ask us this question, the supplier will answer, our quality is the best. But I don’t want to answer that, we think the quality is a relative attribute, it’s based on your market environment. We will give you what you need, not the expensive.

We offer a variety of cooperation programs,
1 Mild customization scheme, use our existing product scheme, just add your LOGO, the advantages of this scheme are simple communication, easy scheme confirmation, and fast production speed.
2 In-depth customization solutions, in-depth customization of products, packaging, APP, etc. More in line with your product image. I also think this higher cost of customization, more customization options, and longer production times.

The definition of a light customization solution refers to the customization to the minimum limit. Generally, we only modify the LOGO on the product and do not modify other contents, such as packaging boxes, packaging bags, and other packaging materials and APP. Such a scheme is more suitable for buyers in the initial stage because there is no need to invest too much cost, and the delivery speed is faster and the capital flow is fast.

The definition of in-depth customized solutions customizes products, packaging, and even APPs according to the buyer’s clear product plan. This will result in higher customization costs and production time for buyers. But such products will also be more in line with the buyer’s brand concept and overall product line.

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