Body Weight Scale: Does It Affect Psychological Health? How to Avoid Unnecessary Anxiety and Stress?

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We all have different ways of measuring our health status, and one of the most common ways is by tracking our body weight. However, the use of body weight scales has been a controversial topic, and several studies have highlighted the potential impact it can have on an individual’s psychological well-being. In this article, we will discuss whether body weight scales affect mental health and provide tips on how to avoid unnecessary anxiety and stress.

body fat scale

Do body weight scales affect mental health?

The answer is yes. The use of body weight scales can affect an individual’s mental health, particularly if they become obsessed with the numbers displayed on the scale. A 2016 study by UCLA found that individuals who frequently weighed themselves experienced more negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem than those who did not. Furthermore, the study found that individuals who specified their ideal weight also reported feeling less satisfied with their body and higher levels of body shame.

It’s not just about the numbers on the scale. Society places immense pressure on individuals to maintain a certain body shape and size, and the use of body weight scales can exacerbate these pressures. Individuals who do not meet society’s “ideal” body standards may feel ashamed, inadequate, or unworthy, leading to feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress.

How to avoid unnecessary anxiety and stress?

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for overall physical and mental health, but the way one measures their weight can significantly impact their mental well-being. Here are some tips on how to avoid unnecessary anxiety and stress concerning body weight measurement:

1. Limit the frequency of body weight checks. Avoid weighing yourself every day or even every week. Instead, weigh yourself once a month or as recommended by your doctor.

2. Focus on positive health behaviors rather than just weight. Instead of solely focusing on weight loss, engage in healthy behaviors such as exercise, healthy eating, and stress management.

3. Practice self-compassion. Don’t beat yourself up if you have gained weight or fallen off track on your weight loss journey. Remember that the journey to a healthy lifestyle is a long-term process, and setbacks are normal.

4. Separate your self-worth from your body weight. Understand that a number on the scale does not define your worth as a person. Embrace your unique body shape and size, and focus on appreciating all the amazing things your body can do.

5. Seek support. If you’re struggling with body weight measurement or have an eating disorder, seek professional help. Talk to your doctor or mental health provider to get the help and resources you need.


Body weight scales can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental health, particularly if they become obsessed with the numbers displayed on the scale. It’s crucial to focus on healthy behaviors rather than solely focusing on weight loss and to practice self-compassion, separating self-worth from body weight. Seeking support when struggling with body weight measurement or an eating disorder is essential to maintaining good mental health. By implementing these tips, one can avoid unnecessary anxiety and stress and lead a happy and healthy life.

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